How can I install brushes pack or bundle in Krita any version - for beginner

>> How to install the Krita Brush Bundle Pack in any krita version on your PC 

>> अपने पीसी पर किसी भी कृता संस्करण में क्रिटा ब्रश बंडल पैक कैसे स्थापित करें

It's very simple to install the brushes bundle in the krita software on your PC. it's helpful in digital art and give new style in your art. In these new brushes you get different shade and style type brusher in a single bundle. In short it help in new type of digital art work. Mostly all the bundle packs are compatible with krita.

But in some cases if it not work then you have to note that its compatible with Krita 2.9.11 and higher version Krita 3.x and the newly release krita 4.4.0. beta version. in my opinions you can easily install the brushes in all krita versions which are higher then  krita 2.9.11.  

For finding and downloading the new brishes for krita you can check the www{dot}deviantart{dot}com deviantart website all the awesome people share there art brushes bundle file in it. just you have to search what brushes pack fit for your next art work.

>Now After Downloading the brushes bundle 

>अब ब्रश बंडल डाउनलोड करने के बाद

1. how to install it in your krita program )

(१. इसे अपने कृतिता प्रोग्राम में कैसे स्थापित करें )

Just open your Krita program and go to the top of the menu where you have to find ( Setting ) click on the setting and after that go to ( Manage Resources ) now inside the Manage Resources you can see the ( Bundle dialog ) its a small new window which show your by default brushes now press the top right ( Import Bundles ) button to import your downloaded brush bundles.

now just select the downloaded file ( .bundle ) on your disk and by using the file explorer which appearing on your screen and then finish by pressing ( Open ) to open it in krita. now you can see that the bundle icon of the brush kit should appears in the left side column under the ( Active bundle ).

and in the end press ( OK ) on the bottom right side of the ( Manage Resources Bundle ) dialog window and ( Restart ) the krita software. when you start again krita your new brushes are ready to use just enjoy it and make a awesome digital art with it.

2. how to uninstall brushes bundle to your krita program )

(२. अपने कृतिता प्रोग्राम में ब्रश बंडल को अनइंस्टॉल कैसे करें )

if you want to uninstall the brushes bundle to your krita program you have to follow this step -

go to ( Setting ) then ( Manage Resources ) then ( Open resource folder ) and then delete the brushes bundle pack file in the bundle folder and then ( Restart your krita program ) its simple..!

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