what is this a digital art or a photoshop art.?

Everyone time when I draw something or make a photo editing I share every piece which I make it can be 2 ,3,4,5,6,7 and even 8 piece of artwork. I do


Everyone time when I draw something or make a photo editing I share every piece which I make it can be 2 ,3,4,5,6,7 and even 8 piece of artwork. I do it because it's show the different approach which I done for making it. And it's depend on you which one you like..

Hey 👋😊 everyone.. I hope all of you are safe and healthy.. today I share a girl photo which is look like a digital art. But in reality it is a real girl photo with a little editing which make it look like a digital art portrait.

For making this you need photoshop and a photo of a person which you want to draw or edit.

Now open photoshop and open the photo of that person on it then simply make a normal layer and select or press "I" button to color picker tool and then just do a repeat process.. pick a color then draw with the brush that color on that same place... It you want know more how to do it you can check my YouTube channel "Crystal Brush" video for it. 

So this is the every good way to draw someone digital portrait. You can make it by yourself and then gift them in their Birthday and in other ocassion.

Software I use this digital art is photoshop.

Oke that's all for now everyone. Still I am in a learning process so stay with me so I can share my art journal with you. So see you all in the next post.

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