Eyes - I made my mistakes

trick of digital art by vijay poriyal in dehradun and learn digital art work


 Starting Digital Art From Zero. 

Every time when i go to pinterest and deviantart and see the amazing artwork and thought that can i draw like these amazing people who draw these awesome and beautiful piece of art and after that i draw there sketches and drawing with the help of a pencil on a notebook back side pages. this is the starting of my drawing life in my school and college. but i was not not a full time artist i am just a art hobby person who just want to draw any thing that he saw on internet. In 2019 ending i finally buy a xp-pen drawing tablet and start my digital art journey in my free time. free time mean 1 to 2 hour in the starting but now in covid-19 lockdown in india i got lots of free time to learn some basic and some pro skill in digital art by the help of youtube art videos. during these lockdown i create some of my tricks for beginners who want to draw digital art quickly. well some time hard work not give you a proper result so i make my one way to learn digital art quickly its my smart way of learning the digital art. let i show you how to learn digital art smartly. don't worry art skill also improve during this shortcut because when you draw and draw again and again your brain and your hand muscle memory improve and enhance your art skill. and during this smart way of drawing you can correct your mistake and remember in your future drawing when you draw something new. 

before i start please subscribe my youtube channel which is based on speedpaint videos of different software for digital art. here is the link 
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFsMdHmn7mYOcA6iGj7eeKQ ) you can go there for some new ideas.

Now first what equipment you need to starting digital art on computer.

1- a computer or laptop,
2- a drawing tablet or a drawing screen,
3- a drawing software which is easy to use in the starting,
4- a secret tool on your android device hehehehehe..! 3;D 

don't worry its not a secret tool its just a app which help you to improve your drawing geometry in face drawing and other complex drawing.
(remember any thing which help you to improve your digital art quickly is our main motive right know so we can do some copying in the starting and this app help you to copy any object and person face geometry) and after some time when your hand muscle memory get stronger in art geometry skill you don't need to use this app. 

so first lets start setup your computer or laptop configuration. minimum 4 gb ram and dual core processor with 1 gb graphic card is required for starting digital art on your system. 

if you have these configuration on your system then we go to second step the drawing tablet i am using a xp-deco v1 drawing tablet which is a great drawing tablet available in Indian online market right know but you can buy any drawing tablet which match your budget.

now for the third step we need the drawing tool which is easy to use and light working for your system and also which is free available on internet and offer many pro feature on it. i have two name right know 1st ( krita ) and 2nd  ( autodesk-SketchBook ). 


both drawing tools are great for beginners. so what is my choice in these tools hmmmm in these tools i use krita because of the easy shortcut keys for picking colors and increasing and decreasing brush size on key board. its very helpful in quick paint work if you have not much time. and you can freely download these tools from there official website. just search it on google and you can find it easily.

after installing one of these drawing software just practice for first day on it and draw any thing you want and understand how it work. by practicing yourself you can understand it more accurately.
now in your second day you have to install this ( Fino ) app on your android its available on play store so you can easily install it through google play store. in this app you have to click on pick template and then click on gallery then select a image which you want to draw in your computer. then click a ( ^ ) this blue icon on the bottom its show you the features of this app. now you have to scale the size of the image according to your requirement. 

(i am not promoting this app please use it if you want to use it otherwise use the second method given bellow)


now the main part ( OPACITY ) select opacity and decrease it between 50 to 60 %. now you can see that the image is going to transparent and the camera showing the backside of the screen. now adjust the phone in front of screen by using any phone stand and click on the ( focus ) its focus phone camera on your laptop or pc screen then try to draw the image through it on your computer.
( it's seems hard to use in the starting but after doing again and again this thing improve your art skill so don't be guilty by this coping process because you are a beginner right now so just keep practicing it again and again )

( important )
now if you don't want to use this app and you don't have any good camera phone for this app. you can use a second method.

krita is a drawing tool and its give a feature on it a reference feature. so how to use it just pick a image from your folder and drag it on the krita software now it give you a option like this ( insert as reference image ) click on it and use image as a reference image.

also this feature is available on autodesk-SketchBook.

this is all i do to in the starting of my art journey to improve my art work in a less time. i hope these tips and tricks and method help you to grow your art skill in less time.

there are some of my art work which i draw :)
thanks for visiting..!

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