Redrawing your own digital artwork is good or bad.? For beginner.

Redrawing your own digital artwork is good or bad.? For beginner. Practice improve your artwork and redrawing gives you an idea how much you improved


Redrawing your own digital artwork is good or bad.? 

hey..! everyone.. :) i redraw this digital art work.. you can check the this link ( this link show older version of this drawing.

some of you are thinking about redrawing your artwork again is goo or bad. well its depends on you how much you are improved yourself with in these days. by redrawing your old artwork and make some new changes in it and make its look more beautiful its help you to grow more confident on your work. so according to me redrawing help you so after every 5 to 6 month you have to redraw your old art work and see how much you grow your level in these months.

ok..! that's all everyone..! thanks for visiting and see you all in the next post. :)

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